Can we run two thread groups parallely in a single test plan in Jmeter?

user3743995 picture user3743995 · Jun 16, 2014 · Viewed 22.5k times · Source

can we run two thread groups parallel by creating a single test plan in Jmeter ??


I have to add 2 test cases in a test plan, which has to be executed in parallel and can we combine this test plan with any other test plan to be executed simultaneously


itaymendel picture itaymendel · Jun 16, 2014

Jmeter supports running more than one scenario in parallel as part of the same test plan.

Each scenario is managed in its own Thread Group element.

So for your case, add a new Thread Group to the test plan, and set the steps for the second scenario there. When you have more than 1 Thread Group, you can configure the test plan to start them at the same time (or one after the other).

There is no guarantee that the requests will be in the exact same time, but both Thread Groups will start simultaneously.

Hope it helps :)