Can we automate Application available under Citrix Program Neighbourhood?

Anand picture Anand · Feb 17, 2010 · Viewed 22.8k times · Source

I tried to automate an application available under Citrixl Program Neightbourhood using QTP 9.5, but QTP does not identify the objects inside the application. Can we automate citrix application using QTP?

What are different tools available to perform automation testing on Citrix applications?


user791368 picture user791368 · Jun 9, 2011

I have used Scapa Technologies for Citrix ICA or Terminal Services testing. Scapa provides an automation tool that is installed on the Citrix server. Then it has a controller that launches the citrix session, communicates with the server and starts the automation tool which calls your automation script. It actually runs on the server so it can interact with the applications controls.