HP LoadRunner and PerformanceCenter differences

jobinbasani picture jobinbasani · Jul 21, 2009 · Viewed 25.4k times · Source

Can someone point out the major differences between LoadRunner and Performance Center? My little research shows that both can be used for load testing and performance monitoring. What additional features are provided by Performance Center? Is VUGen a part of Performance Center?


Wilson Mar picture Wilson Mar · Oct 14, 2009

Let me try to give a little less sales-oriented and more technical slant (without the rant).

Performance Center runs multiple copies of LoadRunner.

Performance Center adds a web app to schedules time on the various LoadRunner machines. Allocating time also implies allocating the number of "vusers" that has been purchased.

For more technical information (including an architecture map and tips on using it), see my http://wilsonmar.com/lr_perf_center.htm

For more sales information, see Joe or a HP Software salesperson.