i work with Oxygen XMLTester for xPath selectors, supporting XPath 2.0 specification. So i wonder if there is any online tester working with XPath 2.0 spec.? http://www.xmlme.com/XpathTool.aspx[http://www.xmlme.com/XpathTool.aspx][2] http://www.xpathtester.com/test[http://www.xpathtester.com/test][3]
Those above-mentioned testers failed to take the following XPAth (2.0 rather succeded):/list/sum(item/prices/price[@currency='USD']) with XML:
<item new='true'>
<title lang="en">Pop-Music DVD</title>
<author >K. A. Bred</author>
<price currency="USD">29.99</price>
<price currency="EUR">23.2</price>
<item new='false'>
<title>Gone with the wind</title>
<author>M. Mitchell</author>
<price currency="USD">19.05</price>
<price currency="EUR">15</price>
Since this bubbled up again:
I also made a XPath 2.0 online tester here.
Not so colorful or descriptive, but IMHO easier to use for small queries.