Is it possible to run a predefined xml suite from the command line through maven?
I am able to run a class or a particular test. But I am unable to run a suite.
Here is what I am running from the command line: -->
mvn -Dtest=TestCircle#mytest -Denvironment=test -Dbrowser=firefox -DscreenShotDirectory=/Users/jeremy/temp test
I do have a suite defined, which runs nicely through intelliJ, but I am not sure how to invoke the suite.xml file.
Or for example, after the tests have run, testng creates a testng-failed file which is setup to run all the failed tests again.
Using mvn, how would I kick off this test suite.
This answer gave me what I was looking for, namely the ability to pass at the command line the name of the suite I want to run:
In a nutshell, add the following to the maven-surfire-plugin stanza of your pom.xml:
Then you can specify the desired testng suite xml file at the command line:
mvn clean install test -DsuiteXmlFile=testngSuite.xml