map list of maps to a list of selected field values in terraform

Uwe Krüger picture Uwe Krüger · May 10, 2017 · Viewed 19k times · Source

If resources use a count parameter to specify multi resources in terraform there is a simple syntax for providing a list/array of dedicated fields for the resource instances.

for example*.id

Since quite a number of versions it is possible to declare variables with a complex structure, for example lists of maps.

variable "data" {
  type = "list"
  default = [
      id = "1"
      id = "10"

I'm looking for a possibility to do the same for varaibles I can do for multi resources: a projection of an array to an array of field values of the array elements.


does not work as for resources. Is there any possibility to do this?


Bruce picture Bruce · Oct 27, 2017


Massive fancy features have been added into terraform since Terraform 0.12 was released, e.g., list comprehension, with which the solution is super easy.

locals {
  ids = [for d in]
  #ids = [for d in d["id"]]  #same

# Then you could get the elements this way,
#     local.ids[0]

Solution before terraform 0.12

template_file can help you out.

data "template_file" "data_id" {
  count = "${length(}"
  template = "${lookup([count.index], "id")}"

Then you get a list "${data.template_file.data_id.*.rendered}", whose elements are value of "id".

You can get its element by index like this


or through function element()

"${element(data.template_file.data_id.*.rendered, 0)}"