We have several curses style applications which we'd like to provide access to through a browser-based interface.
We have an application from another vendor which ostensibly provides this based on an old version of the JTA (Java Telnet App) but that applet doesn't handle things like resizing well, and has relatively poor support for scroll-back buffers and copy/paste.
In this day of Ajax-based interfaces, I'm curious if there are any good, free solutions.
Thanks to this web site, I saw references to Reflection's web-based terminal emulator, but that's probably too expensive for our needs.
Some of the potential candidates I've seen include
No scrollback bar
but I haven't had a chance to do a detailed evaluation.
I use Ajaxterm frequently as a handy way to administer a web server from anywhere. It worked well for me until I switched to Chrome as my primary browser. Ajaxterm works great with Firefox and IE8, but is unusable with Chrome, Safari and Opera.
I found that on Chrome, Safari and Opera, many ‘special’ keys don’t get passed through to Ajaxterm, including backspace, the arrow keys, ctrl+c, ctrl+h, home, end, etc. Opera is even worse: when you press shift, the keypress gets translated into ^P, so you can’t type capitals. These things are showstoppers for me; they are probably showstoppers for you too.
Anyterm worked fine for me in all browsers I tried, including IE6.
Other things to bear in mind:
Note: My comments on Ajaxterm are based on Ajaxterm 0.10. I haven’t tried 0.11, which apparently includes ‘minor patches’. My comments on Anyterm are based on the demos available on their site. I haven’t actually used it in anger.