I'm trying to get 256 colors in the fantastic ConEmu-Maximus5 console.
Update: Now it only shows 8 colors. I know because '$tput colors' output is '8'
I have followed the instructions and activated:
I don't understand what to do with 'check off whether the buffer / slide.'
"C:\Program Files\ConEmu\ConEmu64.exe" /cmd ""C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe" --login -i"
function prompt { local RED="\[\033[0;31m\]" local GREEN="\[\033[0;32m\]" local COOLRED="\e[38;5;173m" local COOLGREEN="\e[38;5;113m" PS1="$COOLRED\u@\h $LIGHT_COOLGREEN\$PWD \[\e[0m\] > " } prompt
I have some screen shots:
As you can see the command prompt looks very extravagant because it doesn't like the 256 color settings. If i substitute the variables COOLRED and COOLGREEN with RED and GREEN, then it looks ok, but it's not 256 colors.
More screenshots of the settings:
And the last sceen shot it's cygwin's mintty. Everything is ok there. Full 256 color supported. It's a shame mintty doesn't have tabs. That's mostly the reason why I'm trying to move to ConEmu.
Thank you very much for helping!!!
Bash does not send ANSI sequences to console. It tries to process them itself. And, because *nix terminal is generally only 8-color (not taking into account 256-color mode), bash uses 8-color palette instead of 16-color palette which is common to Windows terminal.
I think, 256-colors works in mintty because _isatty
returns zero in that terminal. But it returns non zero value under ConEmu. May be in future builds I solve this puzzle (how to create real terminal with PTY features for some applications).
As for the question
You have no need in 256-colors In fact. To redefine prompt palette you may use "Extend foreground colors with background" feature. In breaf - set up colors 16, 17, etc. in ConEmu, set prompt background in bash to #5 (configurable in ConEmu), and voila.
There was a small bug in ConEmu "Extend..." processing. Use build 121016 or later.
PS1="\e[30;45m\u@\h \e[34;45m$PWD \[\e[0m\] > "
Following info does not match the question, but may be useful
Current version does not support 256-color mode in 'whole' console buffer (limitation, yes, removing it in plans).
So, you can go 2 ways