I have used the API
And then,
How would I know the length of bounding box?
I have used Tutorial IPython notebook on github in real-time.
But I don't know use which command to calculate the length of boxes.
Just to extend Beta's answer:
You can get the predicted bounding boxes from the detection graph. An example for this is given in the Tutorial IPython notebook on github. This is where Beta's code snipped comes from. Access the detection_graph
and extract the coordinates of the predicted bounding boxes from the tensor:
By calling np.squeeze(boxes)
you reshape them to (m, 4), where m denotes the amount of predicted boxes. You can now access the boxes and compute the length, area or what ever you want.
But remember that the predicted box coordinates are normalized! They are in the following order:
[ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax]
So computing the length in pixel would be something like:
def length_of_bounding_box(bbox):
return bbox[3]*IMG_WIDTH - bbox[1]*IMG_WIDTH