I'm trying to render my template from taglib:
out << g.render(template: "/menu/sidebar")
This is what my sidebar template looks like:
When I inspect my page in browser, whole template code appears in apostrophes like this...
...and prints my html code just like a plain text. Any idea how to make it recognize the content as proper html code?
Edit: Taglib code:
class MenuTagLib {
static defaultEncodeAs = 'html'
def renderIfExists = { attrs,body->
GrailsConventionGroovyPageLocator groovyPageLocator
println attrs.template
out << g.render(template: "/menu/sidebar")
The way of calling it:
<g:renderIfExists template="/${params.controller}/sidebar" plugin="untitled1" />
If I had to guess, it would be that you have this in your class:
static defaultEncodeAs = 'html'
You should remove that line and try it again. That says that it should escape html characters.