Top "Tempdata" questions

TempData is a dictionary used in C# MVC to pass data between different controllers or different actions.

TempData: Is It Safe?

I am using the TempData in order to preserve my model in when using a RedirectToAction. It works fine, but … tempdata
TempData not persisting

I have a controller that sets TempData before returning a view, public ActionResult Edit(int id, int? order) { Route route = … tempdata
TempData value not persisting if used in view

I am using TempData["hdn"] = "1"; in controller If I use this @{ var hdn = (string)TempData["hdn"]; } in View, TempData["hdn"] … tempdata
Is it possible to access the TempData key/value from HttpContext?

I'm trying to crate a custom action filter attribute. And some where, I need facilities, such us TempData[key] and … attributes tempdata core TempData give 500 error when adding list and redirect to another view

I am try to build alerts list and added them to TempData. But it work if I did not do …

redirect tempdata
TempData becomes null after refresh the page

I used TempData to pass data from an action to another,but when i refresh the page the value of … c#-4.0 tempdata
Where does TempData get stored?

Where does TempData get stored in the ASP.NET MVC Framework (more specifically, ASP.NET MVC 2)? Is it stored at … tempdata
ASP.NET MVC : Preserve TempData across multiple requests

There are values I need to pass when I perform redirects. I want to use TempData to accomplish this, but … tempdata
How can I interpret HTML from TempData using MVC4?

I try to display a TempData list with HTML balise inside. Is it possible to interpret the balise and not …

html view tempdata