Top "Temp" questions

A common directory on a file system which acts as a "scratch area" that can be used to hold files and directories for short periods of time.

SQL Server Temp Dir?

exec master..xp_cmdshell 'set' I need to get the OS temporary directory without resorting to using xp_cmdshell. I …

sql-server temp
Changing temporary directory in R

I'm using a Windows virtual machine and I have both R and RStudio installed on it and I'm trying to …

r rstudio temp
Issue with SSRS report with temp table

To be very clear at the moment. I would like to not use a stored procedure to create my temp …

reporting-services temp
Why does %TEMP% resolve to a non-deterministic path of the form %TEMP\<digit>?

I have a Windows Server 2008 32 bit and when I'm typing %temp% it takes me to ..AppData\Local\Temp\1\ or ..AppData\…

windows windows-server-2008 temp
Specifically Getting the System TEMP Path in C#

I am using the System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() method to retrieve the temporary folder from environment variables. However, I am …

c# environment-variables temp temporary-directory
Copy resources from c# pjct to a windows directory

how can i copy a file in my project resources to a temp directory using C# i have install.bat …

c# resources directory temp
Location of Redis' temp file for replication?

I tried to set up a Master-Slave sync on a debian machine. I always get that error in my logs …

redis debian replication sync temp
unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEMP

I am trying to execute below query in Oracle: SELECT DISTINCT t4.s_studentreference "Student ID", t3.p_surname "Surname", …

oracle oracle-sqldeveloper temp segment tablespace
Creating a thread-safe temporary file name

When using Tempfile Ruby is creating a file with a thread-safe and inter-process-safe name. I only need a file name …

ruby thread-safety filenames temp
How to delete all temp files using powershell

Anyone knows how to delete all temp files using powershell. Get-ChildItem $env:TEMP\TEMP | Remove-Item -confirm:$false -force -Recurse I …

powershell temporary-files temp