Top "Telerik" questions

Telerik is a vendor of development, team productivity, and automated testing tools, as well as UI components and content management solutions for Microsoft .NET.

Passing parameters to telerik mvc grid

I have a telerik mvc grid which needs to be populated based on the search criteria the user … ajax parameters grid telerik
Radgrid CommandItemSettings add custom button

I have a Telerik RadGrid has a "Add New" button using a CommandItemSettings-AddNewRecordText. I would like to add a custom … telerik telerik-grid
These columns don't currently have unique values

I face the following problem : when i try to bind Telerik Treeview These columns don't currently have unique values. My …

c# datatable telerik radtreeview
Detecting Memory Leaks in ASP.NET

My development team is using ASP.NET 3.5 / 4.0 right now, and our sites are running on IIS 7.5. Recently, we've been having …

c# telerik iis-7.5
How to create custom Delete/Destroy button/command in Kendo UI grid?

I am using Kendo UI grid with GridEditMode.InCell and I need to add a hyperlink for delete/destroy command …

telerik telerik-grid telerik-mvc kendo-ui
Difference between Xamarin and Telerik's native script

Xamarin Write the model in C# Write the views for each OS in their own native way Xamarin promises that …

telerik xamarin nativescript
How to select row in Telerik RadGrid?

When user select a row in Telerik Rad Grid, i want to take fields in this row. how to do …

c# telerik telerik-grid
Telerik gridview : How to refresh grid view after Database change

I'm using radgridview in C# winform application to show data from database. I'm also altering database through ADO.Net. The …

c# winforms telerik dataset telerik-grid
WPF : Dispatcher processing has been suspended, but messages are still being processed

I Have a WPF Project, When i try to Run This Code On RowLoad Event I got below Error : private …

wpf gridview telerik messagebox radgridview
Kendogrid destroy() and recreate the table on a new datasource, why do the old table columns still exist?

When invoking destroy() in KendoUI Grid and then recreate the table on a new DataSource: why do the old table …

telerik kendo-ui telerik-grid kendo-grid