Top "Telerik" questions

Telerik is a vendor of development, team productivity, and automated testing tools, as well as UI components and content management solutions for Microsoft .NET.

Angular + Kendo: Default placeholder for drop down list

I was wondering how to set placeholder for drop down list in kendo ui + angular. Currently I have: Template <…

javascript angularjs kendo-ui telerik kendo-dropdown
Kendo Grid - Horizontal Scrollbar does not appear when there is no data

I have a Kendo UI Grid as listed below. The horizontal scroll bar is appearing when there are records. But …

telerik kendo-ui kendo-grid
Telerik RadGrid + RadAjaxManager

Let's go straight to the problem. I have two gridviews from which one generates the data source to another one. … linq-to-sql c#-4.0 telerik radajaxmanager
FindControl GridTemplateColumn Outside of radGrid Events

I have my own method and I am trying to findcontrol on a control inside the GridTemplateColumn, so I am …

c# telerik radgrid
How to set the SelectedNode and Set the Focus of the selected node in Telerik RadTreeView?

I am using the Telerik RadTreeView with ASP .Net C#. I am able to set the Selected Node using the …

c# .net telerik radtreeview
How to test Mobile app push notification capabilities in an emulator?

Is it possible to test push notification in mobile apps, such as android & ios, with an emulator rather than …

android ios mobile cordova telerik
Telerik grid ClientTemplate

I'm trying to use C# to apply a bit of logic when displaying a DateTime in a telerik grid in …

c# telerik telerik-grid
telerik radGrid - persist client state on sort/paging/filter

Even in this ajax example which I really like the look of, when ever the top level grid is sorted …

javascript jquery html telerik radgrid
why should i use telerik radcontrols over visual studio built-in controls?

why should i use telerik radcontrols over visual studio built-in controls. Basically i want to know the pros and cons … telerik telerik-mvc
Set row color of Telerik RadGrid

I am using a RadGrid for displaying the data from a database. I want to change the row color in …

c# telerik radgrid