Top "Telerik-grid" questions

telerik-grid refers to the issues in grid control available in various Telerik products.

event.preventDefault() not working

i have this line of code in my view using the Telerik Grid: columns.Bound(o => o.URI).Width(10).…

javascript jquery telerik-grid preventdefault
Problem with paging in telerik Radgrid when databinded from ServerSide

I have two radgrid , for the first radgrid i am binding the data from serverside , and for the second radgrid … data-binding gridview radgrid telerik-grid
Add new record button in RadGrid

I follow this demo on how to create grid with my custom New Item control. I have quite easy question …

telerik telerik-grid radgrid
ModelState.AddModelError not showing any message

I am using telerik mvc grid. In my table I have unique key defined for a field. And in controller … telerik-grid telerik-mvc
Telerik MVC Grid ClientTemplate checkbox not displayed initially

I have a very similar problem to the post located here: Telerik grid with checkbox - Checkbox not showing up … telerik-grid telerik-mvc
How to set alignment of cells in Kendo grid after formatting it

I am using Kendo grid in my project. I am using culture script for internationalization. Using that script it formats …

telerik kendo-grid telerik-grid
Get column index from column name in Kendo grid in Javascript

Is there a way we can find out the index of column in grid, if we know the column name …

javascript kendo-ui telerik kendo-grid telerik-grid
Formatting datetime field in gridview

I have a field in a gridvie that displays the date in the following format 1/2/2012 3:45:13 AM How can I format …

c# telerik-grid
Telerik MVC Grid with Dynamic Columns at Run Time from a Collection or Dictionary

After spending the last couple days searching, I'm officially stuck. I'm working on a binding an object to the Telerik … data-binding dynamic telerik-grid
Is this Telerik.Web.UI.dll free for use?

I want to use Telerik.Web.UI.dll but I don't know whether it is free or it needs to … telerik-grid