Telegram bot and the method getUpdates

davboc picture davboc · Dec 4, 2015 · Viewed 25.7k times · Source

I have a question about Telegram bot, I created a bot some weeks ago, it works fine but there is a strange behavior with the method getUpdates; indeed if I use the link:<token>/getUpdates

now I can't see any message, but if I start a new bot this link works fine like the first day when I created the other bot.

There is a particular interval of time after which this link stops working? There is a way to re-enable it?

Thanks in advance


Nick Lee picture Nick Lee · Dec 4, 2015

From Telegram Bot API documentations:

Incoming updates are stored on the server until the bot receives them ... but they will not be kept longer than 24 hours.

So, getUpdates did not stop working. Old messages got deleted after a finite amount of time.