How to obtain the chat_id of a private Telegram channel?

aborruso picture aborruso · Nov 22, 2015 · Viewed 148.8k times · Source

I use curl to update my public channels. This kind of syntax:

curl -X POST "" -d "chat_id=@MyChannel&text=my sample text"

But what's the chat_id of a private channel? It's not the one you have in the private invite.

Because now we can pass a channel username (in the format @channelusername) in the place of chat_id in all methods (and instead of from_chat_id in forwardMessage). But what's the @channelusername of a private channel that I administer?


Stas Parshin picture Stas Parshin · Nov 23, 2015

I found the way to write in private channels.

  1. You should convert it to public with some @channelName
  2. Send message to this channel through Bot API

  3. As response you will get info with chat_id of your channel.

    { "ok" : true, "result" : { "chat" : { "id" : -1001005582487, "title" : "Test Private Channel", "type" : "channel" }, "date" : 1448245538, "message_id" : 7, "text" : "123ds" } }

  4. Now you can convert Channel back to private (by deleting channel's link) and send message directly to this chat_id "-1001005582487"