Top "Tcplistener" questions

.NET Framework Class that listens for connections from TCP network clients.

C# send image over HTTP

I have a small HTTP-Server here written in C# and until now I only needed to send raw text back …

c# image http send tcplistener
TcpListener: How to listen on specific port on all interfaces?

There are three overloads for constructing a TcpListener: public TcpListener(int port); (obsolete) public TcpListener(IPEndPoint localEP) public TcpListener(IPAddress …

.net sockets tcplistener socketserver
TcpListener is queuing connections faster than I can clear them

As I understand it, TcpListener will queue connections once you call Start(). Each time you call AcceptTcpClient (or BeginAcceptTcpClient), it …

c# .net sockets tcpclient tcplistener
Multiple Clients on TCPListener C# / Server sending Data

Being a "novice" in C# and C# Network programming I tried to make a simple chat in C# using TCPClient …

c# .net tcpclient tcp-ip tcplistener
How can I send data with a TcpListener, and wait for the response?

I have the following code: using (TcpClient client = new TcpClient()) { client.Connect(host, port); using (SslStream stream = new SslStream(client.…

c# tcplistener
Is there a property/method for determining if a TcpListener is currently listening?

Currently I'm doing something like this: public void StartListening() { if (!isListening) { Task.Factory.StartNew(ListenForClients); isListening = true; } } public void StopListening() { …

c# tcplistener
How to fix TcpClient Ip Header Bad Checksum

I'm using System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient class but whenever I send custom packet over the network I'm seeing bad checksum …

c# tcpclient tcplistener
TcpListener How to get Connected Clients?

I have a TcpListener that is connected to multiple clients. Can I get a list of all connected clients?

c# tcplistener
How to test a TCP server implementation?

I have written a TCP server implementation using which I created an application which works as TCP echo service. Now …

testing tcp tcplistener tcpserver
Sending Binary File TcpClient - File Is Larger Than Source

To put my toe in the water of Network programming, I wrote a little Console App to send a png …

c# .net tcpclient tcplistener