The Task Parallel Library is part of the .NET Framework since .NET 4. It is a set of APIs to enable developers to program asynchronous applications.
I am using async I/O to communicate with an HID device, and I would like to throw a catchable …
c# task-parallel-library cancellationtokensourceI am writing a metro app. This works: HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); var bytes = await client.GetByteArrayAsync(new Uri("www.…
.net task-parallel-library microsoft-metroi have an async Task like this: public async Task DoWork() { } And i have at the moment a: List<…
c# task-parallel-library async-await throttlingI have some library (socket networking) code that provides a Task-based API for pending responses to requests, based on TaskCompletionSource&…
c# .net task-parallel-library task async-awaitOur application uses the TPL to serialize (potentially) long running units of work. The creation of work (tasks) is user-driven …
c# task-parallel-library cancellationawait does not guarantee continuation on the same task for spawned tasks: private void TestButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { …
c# asynchronous task-parallel-library synchronizationcontextAt least since the release of .NET 4.0, Microsoft seems to have put a lot of effort in support for parallel …
system.reactive plinq parallel-extensions task-parallel-libraryHttpClient has a builtin timeout feature (despite being all asynchronous, i.e. timeouts could be considered orthogonal to the http …
c# .net timeout task-parallel-library dotnet-httpclientI have a Parallel.ForEach loop running an intensive operation inside the body. The operation can use a Hashtable to …
c# .net parallel-extensions task-parallel-libraryThe problem Although the code about which I will talk here I wrote in F#, it is based on the .…
.net f# parallel-processing task-parallel-library parallel-extensions