Top "Talend" questions

Talend is an open source integration vendor that provides software for data integration, data quality, master data management, big data, business process management and service-oriented architecture.

Talend tExtractXMLField

I have this job in Talend that is supposed to retrieve a field and loop through it. My big problem …

java xml xpath talend
How can we count number of rows in Talend jobs

I have a scenario in which I only process my job only when i have numbers of rows greater then …

if-statement etl talend
How to select distinct values in a column in Talend

I am importing an excel file in Talend. I want to select all the distinct values in column "A" and …

How to log progress of tasks in Talend Open Studio?

I have some sample jobs that migrate data from one database to another and I would like to have some …

Quickstart database migration using Talend

I have this requirement to migrate a live SQL server 2008 to MySQL server 5, I have tried the MySQL migration toolkit …

mysql sql-server talend
Parse date with possible single-digit month/day/hour using java.text.SimpleDateFormat

On a project with Talend Open Studio (an Open Source code-generating ETL tool), I am getting errors parsing incoming date …

java parsing datetime talend
Talend - generating n multiple rows from 1 row

Background: I'm using Talend to do something (I guess) that is pretty common: generating multiple rows from one. For example: …

java row etl talend
How to split one row in different rows in TALEND

I need help to migrate one row from old DB to multiple rows in my New DB. I have a …

data-migration talend
Expose Talend ETL Job as a Web Service

I am currently evaluating Talend ETL (Talend Open Studio for Data Integration). I would like to know how / if i …

etl talend data-integration
How to end tLoop when desired criteria reached

Here is my process: You can see the Java code in tJava_1. It parses out the data from the file …

java talend