Top "Tail" questions

The tail is the part of a list that comes after the head.

Haskell tail function for empty lists

I have a problem with a function that should only return the tail of a list. The functions is myTail …

list haskell tail
Powershell - Tail Windows Event Log? Is it possible?

How can i use powershell to tail a specific windows event log? Is it possible?

windows powershell event-log tail
Bash edit file and keep last 500 lines

I am looking to create a cron job that opens a directory loops through all the logs i have created …

bash logging tail
Windows Log File Viewer (Tail) that displays lines in reverse order

I am looking for a free Windows GUI log file viewer that can display lines in reverse order with the …

windows user-interface reverse tail logfile
How do I access the not-the-first elements of an array in Swift?

Swift's Array has a first function which returns the first element of the array (or nil if the array is …

arrays swift tail cdr
Tailing Rolling Files

I have a directory full of rolling log files that I would like to be able to use tail on. …

bash shell logging tail