Top "Tail-recursion" questions

Tail recursion is a recursive strategy in which a function does some amount of work, then invokes itself.

How can I express a factorial n! with an F# function, recursive or otherwise?

A factorial of a natural number (any number greater or equal than 0) is that number multiplied by the factorial of …

recursion f# tail-recursion factorial
Does PHP optimize tail recursion?

I wrote a small piece of code that I believe should have succeeded if tail recursion was optimized, however it …

php recursion tail-recursion
Generate tail call opcode

Out of curiosity I was trying to generate a tail call opcode using C#. Fibinacci is an easy one, so …

c# recursion f# tail-recursion cil
iPhone dev -- performSelector:withObject:afterDelay or NSTimer?

To repeat a method call (or message send, I guess the appropriate term is) every x seconds, is it better …

iphone nstimer tail-recursion repeat
Are there problems that cannot be written using tail recursion?

Tail recursion is an important performance optimisation stragegy in functional languages because it allows recursive calls to consume constant stack (…

functional-programming recursion tail-recursion
How to do recursion in anonymous fn, without tail recursion

How do I do recursion in an anonymous function, without using tail recursion? For example (from Vanderhart 2010, p 38): (defn power […

clojure functional-programming lisp anonymous-function tail-recursion