TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
Visual Basic.
For questions about scripts written for the Bash command shell.
Oracle Database is a Multi-Model Database Management System created by Oracle Corporation.
Git is an open-source distributed version control system (DVCS).
Please mention your version of Postgres when asking questions.
For questions regarding multi-threading, the ability of a computer or a program to perform work concurrently or asynchronously by utilizing multiple concurrent streams of execution (generally referred to as threads).
Eclipse is an open source IDE and platform for building applications.
The list tag may refer to: a linked list (an ordered set of nodes, each referencing its successor), or a form of dynamic array.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a public-cloud: IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service) provided by Amazon.
A form is essentially a container that can be used to hold any amount of any subset of several types of data.
An algorithm is a sequence of well-defined steps that defines an abstract solution to a problem.