Top "Tabitem" questions

User Interface control in C# with WPF Framework that represents a selectable item inside a TabControl.

WPF TabItem Element MouseClick Event

In WPF app inside a TabControl there is a TabItem element with one Label. I want to fire the event …

wpf events controls mouseevent tabitem
New Window in a TabItem?

Is it possible to open another Window in a TabControl's TabItem? The reason I want to do this is that …

c# wpf window tabcontrol tabitem
WPF: Center TabItems in a TabControl

in my XAML code, I have a TabControl with multiple items. The problem I have is that I can not …

wpf tabcontrol tabitem
Binding to ItemsSource of TabControl in WPF

I am trying to create a User Control that represents what I am calling a workspace (a reference from a …

wpf binding datatemplate tabcontrol tabitem
How Do I Change The Text Foreground of a WPF TabItem With Nested Text?

I'm looking to have the foreground of the text of a TabItem change whenever the tab becomes active. I was …

wpf styles tabitem
Silverlight TabControl - Finding and selecting a TabItem from a given Control in the TabItem

I am building a LOB application that has a main section and a TabControl with various TabItems in it. On …

silverlight tabcontrol tabitem
Get and Iterate through Controls from a TabItem?

How to get all the Controls/UIElements which are nested in a Tabitem (from a TabControl)? I tried everything but …

c# wpf tabcontrol tabitem
Set UITabBarController Items titles while launching the application

I have UITabBarController with 5 tabs, how can I set tabs titles while launching the application? The reason behind this is …

xcode4 uitabbarcontroller tabitem
In WPF, how do I get the content of a tabItem to fill available space?

I do not know what I am doing wrong here. In the XAML below, the Border does not fill the …

wpf tabitem autosize
TabItem header click

I have defined a control template/style for my tab items as follows: <Style x:Key="TabItemStyle" TargetType="{x:…

wpf controltemplate tabitem