Top "Syntax-highlighting" questions

Syntax highlighting is a feature of some text editors that display text (especially source code) in different colors and fonts according to the category of terms.

How to add Go support to Geany

I am trying to make syntax hightlighting and building options work for Geany, any advice?

ide syntax-highlighting go geany
Notepad++ IDL Syntax Highlighting?

I was about to create a user-defined language file for Notepad++ to syntax-highlight IDL. But before I went and spent …

notepad++ syntax-highlighting idl idl-programming-language
Sphinx inline code highlight

I use Sphinx to make a website that contains code samples. I'm successful using the .. code-block directive to get syntax …

css syntax-highlighting python-sphinx restructuredtext pygments
Notepad++ new keywords defined with regex for the Styler configuration

If I want to add new keywords in the Styler configuration for the "c" language suppose, and I have my …

regex notepad++ syntax-highlighting keyword scintilla
Best text editor with custom syntax

What is the best text editor with the ability to create custom syntax? I used notepad++, but the custom syntax …

editor syntax-highlighting customization
Changing the font size of code formatted by SyntaxHighlight GeSHi in MediaWiki

The font size of my code snippets are too small relative to the default font size of the Wiki, which …

syntax-highlighting mediawiki geshi
How to turn off syntax highlighting in console?

I just want PowerShell to be black text on a white background. However, PowerShell v5 highlights my commands and makes …

powershell syntax-highlighting powershell-5.0 psreadline
Integrating Nunjucks with IntelliJ IDEA / Webstorm

How can I add syntax highlighting to Nunjucks template files in IntelliJ IDEA / Webstorm? There is no obvious plugin available. …

intellij-idea syntax-highlighting webstorm nunjucks
Github Wiki - Source code syntax highlighting

how can I write some code in my project github wiki and highlight the syntax? In MoinMoin wiki I'm used …

github syntax-highlighting wiki
Aptana Studio 3 - variable highlighting enable

All, Somehow, I have managed to disable 'variable/ element highlighting' in Aptana Studio 3. Online search brought up someone's advice to …

ide syntax-highlighting aptana highlight