Top "Synonym" questions

Synonym is a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language.

How can I check if the table behind a synonym exists

I'm trying to create a simple script to dump the results of a complex view out into a table for …

sql sql-server rdbms synonym
How to create a synonym in mysql

I have a view in database B which I use in database A. I would like to create a synonym …

mysql synonym
Wordnet Find Synonyms

I am searching for a way to find all the synonyms of a particular word using wordnet. I am using …

nlp wordnet synonym jaws-wordnet
Oracle: is it possible to create a synonym for a schema?

Firstly I am an oracle newbie, and I don't have a local oracle guru to help me. Here is my …

oracle schema synonym
Accessing data from another database in stored procedure

Following is my schema detail: DB_A : schema_1, schema_2, schema_3 DB_B : schema_3 some procedures in schema_3 access resources(table, …

sql sql-server stored-procedures dynamic-data synonym
Making an Entity Framework Model span multiple databases

Is it valid to do something such as CREATE SYNONYM [dbo].[MyTable] FOR [AnotherDatabase].dbo.[MyTable] and then modify Entity …

sql-server entity-framework multiple-databases synonym
Alias target name in Makefile

The Problem: Is it possible to give a target a different name or alias, such that it can be invoked …

makefile alias target synonym
Solr - synonyms containing multiple words

Quick question, I don't know how to deal with synonyms which contains a space! I have the following config: The …

solr synonym
In Oracle, why do public synonyms become invalid when a table partition is dropped

can someone tell me why the following behavior occurs (Oracle 10.2): SQL> create table part_test ( i int primary key, …

sql oracle database-partitioning synonym
Edit synonyms in MS SQL Server 2005

Out of curiousity, is there any way to edit an existing synonym? That is, change which table the synonym is …

sql-server sql-server-2005 synonym