Top "Synchronous" questions

Synchronous means that the caller of a function waits for the response or completion of the function before returning control to the main program

.Net Core 3 preview: Synchronous operations are disallowed

I have an AngularJs app that I am porting to .Net Core. It was working fine in the previous version …

.net core preview synchronous
Promise is synchronous or asynchronous in node js

I have lot of confusion in promise. It's a synchronous or asynchronous ? return new Promise (function(resolved,reject){ //sync or …

javascript node.js asynchronous promise synchronous
Synchronous Ajax - does Chrome have a timeout on trusted events?

Situation We have a situation, where we need to onclick-open a new tab in browsers after performing an XHR / Ajax …

javascript ajax google-chrome popup synchronous
How to make synchronous call with mongoose and nodejs

I'm designing a client/server synchronization feature. The client sends a bunch of changed events to server. The server will …

node.js mongoose synchronous restify
Can someone please explain how startActivity(intent) and startActivityForResult(intent) are Asynchronous?

If an Asynchronous thread is a thread that operates separately to the main thread and doesn't interfere with the main …

android multithreading asynchronous android-activity synchronous