In the Symfony Best Practices is advised to not use bundles to organize business logic.
The bundles should be used only when the code in them is meant to be reused as-is in other applications:
But a bundle is meant to be something that can be reused as a stand-alone piece of software. If UserBundle cannot be used "as is" in other Symfony apps, then it shouldn't be its own bundle.
So, as I'm upgrading my app from Symfony 3.3 to Symfony 4, I think this is the right time to reorganize my code.
At the moment I have followed the "bundled-structure":
- src
- AppBundle
- Controller
- Entity
- Repository
- Resources
- ...
- MyNamespace
- Bundle
- BundleTodo
- Controller
- Entity
- Repository
- Resources
- ...
- BundleCatalog
- Controller
- Entity
- Repository
- Resources
- ...
- BundleCart
- Controller
- Entity
- Repository
- Resources
- ...
- ...
Now, with the new directory structure, how should have I to organize my code?
I'd like to organize it this way:
- Core
- Controller
- Entity
- Repository
- ..
- Todos
- Controller
- Entity
- Repository
- ..
- Catalog
- Controller
- Entity
- Repository
- ..
- Cart
- Controller
- Entity
- Repository
- ...
But, is this correct? Is there any problem with the expected folder structure of Symfony 4 and Flex?
Or is better something like this:
- Controller
- Core
- Todos
- Catalog
- Cart
- ...
- Entity
- Core
- Todos
- Catalog
- Cart
- ...
- Repository
- Core
- Todos
- Catalog
- Cart
- ...
- ...
The same applies also to other root folders as described in the project directory structure (about how to override it).
Are there any rules or constraints that I have to take into account deciding my new folder structure?
So, trying to solve the problem, I'm going deeper in the documentation and I will write here what I will find.
2nd structure is quite suitable for complex app, business areas splitted.
It is easy with Symfony 4 to configure its application in this way.
├─ assets/
├─ bin/
│ └─ console
├─ config/
│ ├─ doctrine/
│ │ ├─ core/
│ │ └─ sample/
│ ├─ packages/
│ ├─ routes/
│ └─ validator/
│ │ ├─ core/
│ │ └─ sample/
├─ public/
│ └─ index.php
├─ src/
│ ├─ Core/
│ │ ├─ Controller/
│ │ ├─ Entity/
│ │ ├─ Repository/
│ │ └─ ...
│ ├─ Sample/
│ └─ ...
├─ templates/
│ ├─ core/
│ └─ sample/
├─ tests/
├─ translations/
├─ var/
│ ├─ cache/
│ ├─ log/
│ └─ ...
└─ vendor/
With a little bit of configuration : service auto-wiring, auto-configuration etc... work like a charm.
# config/packages/doctrine.yaml
# ...
# ...
auto_mapping: true
is_bundle: false
type: yml
dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/config/doctrine/core'
prefix: 'App\Core\Entity'
alias: 'AppCore'
resource: ../../src/Core/Controller/
type: annotation
# config/services.yaml
# But I prefer to put this on a separate config/services/_auto.yaml
resource: '../../src/*/*'
exclude: '../../src/*/{Entity,Migrations,Tests,Kernel.php}'
namespace: App\
resource: '../../src/*/Controller'
tags: ['controller.service_arguments']