Best way to create a test database and load fixtures on Symfony 2 WebTestCase?

Daniel Ribeiro picture Daniel Ribeiro · Feb 7, 2013 · Viewed 40.4k times · Source

I have a WebTestCase that executes some basic routes in my application.

I want to, on the setUp method of PHPUnit, create a test database identical to my main database, and load fixtures into it.

I'm currently doing some workaround and executing some console commands, something like this:

class FixturesWebTestCase extends WebTestCase
    protected static $application;

    protected function setUp()
        self::runCommand('doctrine:schema:update --force');
        self::runCommand('doctrine:fixtures:load --purge-with-truncate');

    protected static function runCommand($command)
        $command = sprintf('%s --quiet', $command);

        return self::getApplication()->run(new StringInput($command));

    protected static function getApplication()
        if (null === self::$application) {
            $client = static::createClient();

            self::$application = new Application($client->getKernel());

        return self::$application;

But I'm quite sure this is not the best approach, especially because the doctrine:fixtures:load expects the user to hit a Y char to confirm the action.

How can I solve that?


David Jacquel picture David Jacquel · Oct 15, 2013

In order to bypass user confirmation you can use

doctrine:fixtures:load --no-interaction
doctrine:fixtures:load -n