I'm trying to do the pagination, but there is an error:
[Syntax Error] line 0, col 57: Error: Expected end of string, got 'limit'
I'm not quite sure if this is the right syntax (and logic) to make my query:
public function getFriendsFromTo ($user, $limit, $offset)
return $this->getEntityManager()
->createQuery('SELECT f FROM EMMyFriendsBundle:Friend f WHERE f.user='.$user.' limit '.$limit. 'offset' .$offset)
Friends and users are related manyToOne and oneToMany, so in the friends table there is a field - user_id.
This is in my controller:
$user = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
$id = $user->getId();
$friends = $user->getFriends();
$result = count($friends)
$pages = $result/$FR_PER_PAGE;
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();
$friends = $em->getRepository('EMMyFriendsBundle:Friend')
->getFriendsFromTo($id, $FR_PER_PAGE, $page*$FR_PER_PAGE);
I know that it's stupid and even wrong (especially the third parameter to be $page*$FR_PER_PAGE
), but I just wanted to try if the query works, and it didn't.
Nope. Use:
return $this->getEntityManager()