Top "Symfony-forms" questions

The Symfony form component is a standalone library that can be used outside of Symfony projects.

Inherit form or add type to each form

I am searching for an easy way to add a bundle of fields to each form. I have found a …

symfony symfony-forms silex symfony-2.4
How to embed form in symfony2 for entity ManyToOne relation?

I'm quite new to Symfony 2 Framework.I want to form embed for entity ManyToOne relation .I have to entity Address …

php symfony doctrine symfony-forms many-to-one
Symfony2 form submitting on page refresh

I have a form in Symfony2 framework. On successful submission of the page it renders another twig template file and …

php symfony form-submit symfony-forms page-refresh
Which is the suggested place to modify binded form data in Symfony?

I've a form for creating a new Customer. A customer may have a mobile number. Mobile number should be persisted …

symfony symfony-forms
Creating a Symfony2 Form Theme - Fieldset and List style

I am using symfony2. I am trying to override the default div style form blocks in twig. First, does any …

php symfony twig symfony-forms
Calling $builder->getData() from within a nested form always returns NULL

I'm trying to get data stored in a nested form but when calling $builder->getData() I'm always getting NULL. …

symfony symfony-forms symfony-2.3
How can I add a violation to a collection?

My form looks like this: public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) { $factory = $builder->getFormFactory(); $builder->add('name'); $…

symfony-forms symfony-2.1
How to remove "delete" button in default "Edit" form of sonata admin?

I wrote a code to list data taken from a simple database and there I put an action to edit …

symfony symfony-forms sonata-admin
sonata_type_model / symfony form one to many relationship not saving

I have a one to many relationship between accounts and users. I am using sonata admin for CRUD. As I …

symfony symfony-2.1 symfony-forms symfony-sonata sonata-admin
Symfony2 : Radio buttons in a collection

In my application, I created a form using the collection field type : $builder->add('tags', 'collection', array( 'type' => …

symfony symfony-forms