Top "Sybase" questions

Sybase, a subsidiary of SAP, produces a variety of data management products.


col1 col2 A bear A dog A cat B bear B dog B cat C dog C cat D bear …

sql group-by sybase
Oracle equivalent to SQL Server/Sybase DateDiff

We are now using NHibernate to connect to different database base on where our software is installed. So I am …

sql sql-server oracle sybase datediff
*= in Sybase SQL

I'm maintaining some code that uses a *= operator in a query to a Sybase database and I can't find documentation …

sql tsql join sybase
Sybase/ALTER TABLE: how to turn an existing column from non-nullable to nullable?

Hopefully the title has made it quite clear. I would like to see an example of a alter table statement …

sybase alter-table
Improving performance of Sql Delete

We have a query to remove some rows from the table based on an id field (primary key). It is …

sql database sybase query-optimization database-optimization
Identifying Sybase tables, fields, keys, constraints

I'm trying to set up a Sybase query that will give me the following output: Table KeyType KeyNumber Column table1 …

foreign-keys primary-key key sybase sysobjects
SybaseDB , change the default value of an existing column in a table

I have a table called "downloads" with a few thousand rows. I just added a column called is_completed using …

sql database default sybase
SQL Parent/Child recursive call or union?

I can't seem to find a relevant example out there. I'm trying to return a sub-set of a table, and …

sql sql-server tsql sybase
What is a validationQuery with respect to databases and JNDI?

I seem to be having the same exact problem as the poster of this original SO question. The problem is, …

java jdbc database-connection sybase jndi
How in JDBC can you call a stored procedure when only setting some parameters

What is the best way to make a call to a stored procedure using JDBC if you only want to …

java stored-procedures jdbc sybase callable-statement