Top "Swiperefreshlayout" questions

SwipeRefresLayout is a standard way to implement the common Pull to Refresh pattern in Android.

How to trigger swiperefreshlayout in android?

I want to trigger my SwipeRefreshLayout in the event onCreateView of my MainFragment. What I want to do is start …

android android-studio android-appcompat swiperefreshlayout
SwipeRefreshLayout doesn't show any indicator of refreshing

I have a SwipeRefreshLayout being used inside of Fragments that are being displayed in activities. Swiping does perform the refresh, …

android xml view fragment swiperefreshlayout
Can't scroll in a ListView in a swipeRefreshLayout

I'm having an issue with the SwipeRefreshLayout. I have a list view within the layout and every time I scroll …

android swipe-gesture swiperefreshlayout
set location for progressbar in swipe refresh layout android

I used Swipe refresh layout in my app. It worked but I want set location for progress bar in swipe …

android swiperefreshlayout
SwipeRefreshLayout -Attempt to invoke virtual method on a null object reference

I try to realize a ListFragment with refresh his content by pulldown with the SwipeRefreshLayout My Code is public void …

java android android-listfragment swiperefreshlayout
Scrolling down triggers refresh instead of revealing the toolbar

I started using the new CoordinatorLayout and I ran into this issue: As you can see when I try to …

android swiperefreshlayout android-coordinatorlayout
Disable click on RecyclerView inside a SwipeRefreshLayout

I implemented a SwipeRefreshLayout using a RecyclerView and I need that my adapter items are disabled during the OnRefreshListener. I …

java android android-support-library android-recyclerview swiperefreshlayout