Top "Swiper" questions

Mobile touch slider & framework with hardware accelerated transitions

Swiper slides - showing end/start of previous/next slides like Airbnb Slider?

Above is the slider from Airbnb. Is there a way to get a similar effect with Swiper? For the first …

mobile angular slider ionic2 swiper
Swiper slider not working as expected with loop: true and centeredSlides: false

Swiper slider is not working properly with loop set to true and centeredSlides set to false. When a thumbnail or …

javascript jquery css slider swiper
swiper custom pagination only slides once

I made a very simple image slider with swiper then added custom pagination using swiper's "paginationCustomRender" jQuery and data attributes …

jquery slider swiper Swiper multiple instances

I'm trying to add multiple swipers ( on my site. I want to add the swipers …

jquery swiper
Ionic 3 Slides Component - Implement next and previous button

I am new in IONIC 3, I try to implement Slider in my Ionic App and I try to Implement next …

angular typescript slider ionic3 swiper
Full width Swiper has a gap to the left of slides

There is an issue with the Swiper plugin on Chrome for Windows with a big screen. It leaves empty gaps …

javascript css swiper
jQuery Swiper script to run after Ng-Repeat elements are loaded

I'm making a web app using AngularJS, jQuery, HTML, CSS and Bootstrap, and I would like to pick some image …

jquery angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-ng-repeat swiper
How to properly update a react native swiper component when state changes?

I have a react native component that uses react-native-swiper module. One of the slides in the swiper contains text which …

reactjs react-native swiper react-native-swiper
How to change swipe direction in swiper.js?

I'm struggling with changing swipe direction when I rotate my swiper on 90deg. So in the beginning by default it …

javascript css reactjs ecmascript-6 swiper
How init Swiper in VueJS?

first of all thank you for your time because I spent all the morning on this issue. How use the …

vue.js swiper