Convert from Swift 3.x to 5

Lim Thye Chean picture Lim Thye Chean · Apr 10, 2019 · Viewed 10.5k times · Source

When I opened my project in Xcode 10.2, I got this message:

Unsupported Swift Version …Use Xcode 10.1 to migrate the code to Swift 4.

Where can I still find Xcode 10.1? So the process is to have 2 versions of Xcode, first migrate to Swift 4 then 5?

PS: If I migrate the code to Swift 5, does the app still bundle Swift binary? If yes, then what's the benefits since the app still bundle Swift binary? If no, then how does it handle iOS 11.x?


OkiRules picture OkiRules · Apr 10, 2019

You need to redownload Xcode 10.1 from this page, convert your code to Swift 4, then redownload Xcode 10.2 and convert to Swift 5.

The only other option I can think of is changing your Swift Version in your apps bundle and then seeing if it lets you convert but I don't think it will.