Do i need to use [weak self]
within RXSwift subscribeNext closures?
I have the code:
searchController.searchBar.rx_text.throttle(0.2, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance).subscribeNext { searchText in
Do i need to modify it so that there is a [weak self]
capture list at the beginning of the closure? Like this:
searchController.searchBar.rx_text.throttle(0.2, scheduler: MainScheduler.instance).subscribeNext { [weak self] searchText in
If the closure is not owned by the class you do not have to use [weak self]
In the case of in-line closures the closure is not owned by the class but by the scope it is in and will be released when the scope is left.
If the closure is passed in it may or may not be owned by the class (a property for example) and it is prudent to use [weak self]
incase it is owned by the class.