I am adding a UITextField
to a UIAlertController
, which appears as an AlertView
. Before dismissing the UIAlertController
, I want to validate the input of the UITextField
. Based on the validation I want to dismiss the UIAlertController
or not. But I have no clue how to prevent the dismissing action of the UIAlertController
when a button is pressed. Has anyone solved this problem or any ideas where to start ? I went to google but no luck :/ Thanks!
You're correct: if the user can tap a button in your alert, the alert will be dismissed. So you want to prevent the user from tapping the button! It's all just a matter of disabling your UIAlertAction buttons. If an alert action is disabled, the user can't tap it to dismiss.
To combine this with text field validation, use a text field delegate method or action method (configured in the text field's configuration handler when you create it) to enable/disable the UIAlertActions appropriately depending on what text has (or hasn't) been entered.
Here's an example. We created the text field like this:
alert.addTextFieldWithConfigurationHandler {
(tf:UITextField!) in
tf.addTarget(self, action: "textChanged:", forControlEvents: .EditingChanged)
We have a Cancel action and an OK action, and we brought the OK action into the world disabled:
(alert.actions[1] as UIAlertAction).enabled = false
Subsequently, the user can't tap OK unless there is some actual text in the text field:
func textChanged(sender:AnyObject) {
let tf = sender as UITextField
var resp : UIResponder = tf
while !(resp is UIAlertController) { resp = resp.nextResponder() }
let alert = resp as UIAlertController
(alert.actions[1] as UIAlertAction).enabled = (tf.text != "")
EDIT Here's the current (Swift 3.0.1 and later) version of the above code:
alert.addTextField { tf in
tf.addTarget(self, action: #selector(self.textChanged), for: .editingChanged)
alert.actions[1].isEnabled = false
@objc func textChanged(_ sender: Any) {
let tf = sender as! UITextField
var resp : UIResponder! = tf
while !(resp is UIAlertController) { resp = resp.next }
let alert = resp as! UIAlertController
alert.actions[1].isEnabled = (tf.text != "")