Swift Playgrounds are interactive design environments that evaluate code as you write it.
Basically I would like to test a chart drawing in a Swift playground in NSView.
swift nsview swift-playgroundI've diligently followed the Apple instructions to import a custom module into a playground, including the instructions here. And yet …
xcode swift xcode7 swift-playgroundI'm new in the Swift world. How can I converting a String with a comma to a String with a …
swift string comma swift-playgroundI have a custom class in Swift and I'd like to use subscripting to access its properties, is this possible? …
swift swift-playgroundXcode 7 Playgrounds now supports loading files from the nested Resources directory. I can get SKScene(fileNamed: "GameScene") when I have …
ios xcode swift-playground xcode7How can I store an array of functions to callback later in an array like in JavaScript? Any and AnyObject …
swift swift-playgroundI have the Swift book open in iBooks, and see the note “For the best experience, open this chapter as …
xcode swift swift-playground// Playground - noun: a place where people can play func getAverage(numbers: Int...) -> Double{ var total = 0 var average:…
swift swift-playgroundIn my Swift playground, I entered the following code to test the live view feature: let view = UIView() PlaygroundPage.current.…
ios swift xcode swift-playgroundI was playing around with the Playground feature of Xcode 6's first beta - and I notice half the time …
swift xcode6 swift-playground