Top "Sweetalert2" questions

A responsive, customizable, accessible (WAI-ARIA) replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes with zero dependencies.

swal().then(function ()) not firing in Internet Explorer 11

Hoping you can help me with this, I assume there is a small thing I am missing. My _layout.cshtml …

javascript internet-explorer sweetalert2
Using sweetalert2 with bootstrap 4

I'm using sweetAlert2 and I'm trying to use bootstrap 4 to style buttons, setting the properties: buttonsStyling: false, confirmButtonClass: 'btn btn-primary …

javascript css twitter-bootstrap sweetalert sweetalert2
Get value from SweetAlert2 select box?

I have the following code... which is used for a sweet alert text box swal({ title: 'Select an Item', input: …

javascript sweetalert sweetalert2
sweetalert2 multiple swal at the same function

I'd like to make a condition and call a swal for each one (Sweetalert2). But only one of the swal …

javascript modal-dialog sweetalert sweetalert2
SweetAlert2 : Validation required for one of the fields

I am trying to perform validation on one of the fields in the form. Only if the value for that …

validation sweetalert sweetalert2
SweetAlert small on mobile devices, and Resize SweetAlert icons

I am linking to this SweetAlert library, and when I display an …

javascript html css sweetalert sweetalert2
SweetAlert2 syntax error on Internet Explorer 11

I'm using the exactly code of SweetAlert2 examples page: swal({ title: 'Are you sure?', text: "You won't be able …

javascript jquery internet-explorer-11 sweetalert2
how to show variables in sweetalert2

I am trying to use sweetalert2 which seems to be good as easy to implement modals but it seems to …

javascript sweetalert2
How can i stop sweetalert scrolling to top after clicking ok?

I'm using sweetalert2 script for when a user posts a comment on my site, It scrolls down to their comment …

javascript jquery html sweetalert2