Top "Swap" questions

Changing position of two items.

C++ string swap character places

is there a way to swap character places in a string? For example if I have "03/02" I need to get "02/03". …

c++ string swap
Difference Swapping and Paging

What are the differences between Swapping and Paging with reference to Process Memory Management ? Also guide me to the tutorials …

memory-management process paging swap
Is it possible to write swap method in Java?

Here is the question: write a method that swaps two variables. These two variables should be primitives. It doesn't need …

java swap primitive-types
Python Array Rotation

So I am implementing a block swap algorithm in python. The algorithm I am following is this: Initialize A = arr[0..…

python arrays recursion rotation swap
Swap arrays by using pointers in C++

I have two arrays of pointers to doubles that I need to swap. Rather than just copy the data within …

c++ arrays pointers swap
Swap image src with jquery

I have one big image and small thumbs, i am trying to swap their src with each other. Here i …

jquery image swap attr src
Swap two values in a numpy array.

Is there something more efficient than the following code to swap two values of a numpy 1D array? input_seq = …

python numpy scipy swap
Swap two rows in a numpy array in python

How to swap xth and yth rows of the 2-D NumPy array? x & y are inputs provided by the …

python arrays numpy swap
How does the standard library implement std::swap?

How is the swap function implemented in the STL? Is it as simple as this: template<typename T> …

c++ templates swap
Swap nodes in a singly-linked list

I am trying to swap two nodes. For example if the nodes are a and b I am passing the …

c pointers swap singly-linked-list