SVN: Update working copy to exclude externals with TortoiseSVN?

guice picture guice · Dec 20, 2011 · Viewed 8.9k times · Source

Is there a way to update a working copy to exclude externals with TortoiseSVN?

I have a working copy that I checked out with externals. I'm doing some updates to my include paths and now have these external files in a different project. I want to update my current working copy up to exclude externals -- essentially deleting the externals from my local copy.

Due to a mountain of changes in my working copy, simply deleting and re-checking out, omitting externals, isn't an efficient option.

I'm using Tortoise SVN 1.7.2, using 1.7.x format.

EDIT: Okay, looks like what I'm looking for is not possible. Seems 'SVN Update' will always updates with externals, even if the repository is checked out with 'Omit Externals' (--ignore-externals).

EDIT 2: Alright, found a solution. Doesn't appear to be a way to tag it by each repository. But globally: 'TortoiseSVN' => 'Settings' => 'Advanced' set 'IncludeExternals' to false. That will stop 'SVN Update' from updating externals. Looks like to force external update, I'll need to go to 'Update to Revision...' This is doable, since that's the less likely situation. (I have 5 check outs, and only 1 requires the externals, and only when the prop is update. 2 need them only once on check out)


zuloo picture zuloo · Dec 20, 2011

svn up --ignore-externals should do the job, you can delete the external folders manually then