Just recently (a week or so), literally out of the blue, our SVN repo has stopped working when adding files:
Command: Commit
Adding: C:\Users\user\Develop\test_trunk\utilities\Filter.cpp
Error: Commit failed (details follow):
Error: Server sent unexpected return value (503 Service Unavailable) in response to
Error: PROPFIND request for '/svn/projects/!svn/wrk/c5e43308-72bc-2b46-936d-40923f39cf34/trunk/utilities/Filter.cpp'
Error: Server sent unexpected return value (503 Service Unavailable) in response to
Error: PROPFIND request for '/svn/projects/trunk/utilities/Filter.cpp'
Checking out, modifying files and committing changes works. But not to add new files.
No one has touched the machine, no upgrades, nothing. My TortoiseSVN client has not changed. Really, REALLY annoying! I just HATE when things break for NO apparent reason at all.
OS: Ubuntu 8.04, SVN version: 1.4.6
Also tried cmd line client. Same problem.
Edit: There are several repos beside each other, and 1 of 3 works, i.e. in one repo of three, it is possible to add files (!!)
Edit 2: News flash! It started working again. By itself. And nobody has done anything to the server. Sigh... All I did was to:
I.e. I didn't touch ANYTHING in the old repo. Someone somewhere said that revision control is either reliable, or worthless. Hear, hear...
Open your SVN config. If you're using TortoiseSVN, it's context menu -> Settings -> General -> Subversion configuration file: Edit.
If you don't know where to find the file: Where is the user's Subversion config file stored on the major operating systems?
Go to the [auto-props] section and add the mime-types for the files you're trying to commit. For example, I couldn't commit image files and fixed the issue by adding:
*.png = svn:mime-type=image/png
*.jpg = svn:mime-type=image/jpeg
*.gif = svn:mime-type=image/gif