I'm using SVN in Xcode 4 as my source control; but can't see any option to revert to an older revision? Either a 'revert' or an 'update to revision' command? The 'Update' option always seems to update to the HEAD.
Of course - I can do this on the command-line, but can't believe there's no way to do it within Xcode...
Does anyone know where it's hidden? Or is there really no such option?
Unfortunately the SCM functionality in 4.0 is fairly limited. You can commit, switch branches, branch/merge, diff previous versions, update to HEAD, but you can't revert.
We all expect this to get better in successive updates but it does seem like a rather silly omission. The Time-Machine-like diff version picker seems the perfect place to put the UI, so I'd expect it to appear there when it's finally supported.