Reviewboard/SVN post-review errors: repository path is not in the list of known repositories

Mario picture Mario · Aug 9, 2012 · Viewed 9k times · Source

I'm having difficulties with creating a new review entry in Review Board automatically through a checkin in Subversion (SVN). I've created a post-commit hook which, when run manually gives the following exception:

Failed to execute command: ['c:\\python25\\Scripts\\post-review', '--repository-   
url=file:///Repository/svn/TestProject', '--user
=reviewmanager', '--password=########', '-p', '--submit-as=mario', '--revision-    
range=44:45', '--server=
--disable-proxy', '--summary=refs #2564 testcheckin for reviewboard', 
'--description=(In [45]) refs #2564 testcheckin for reviewboard. \npublish review', '']

There was an error creating this review request.

The repository path "http://sos35/svn/TestProject" is not in the list of known repositories on the server.

I've created a repository with this specific path in the reviewboard server. svn info gives this path as the rootpath of the svn repository. Running this script on the SVN repository server from the hooks folder.

So everything seems to be lined up for success, except for the previously mentioned exception.

Does anyone have any clue to solve this puzzle? Tried the .reviewboardrc file checkin in the project-root, with no success. Could be because this information in being overridden in the commandline of post-review.


malenkiy_scot picture malenkiy_scot · May 9, 2013

Make sure that the repository URL in ReviewBoard settings does not end with a slash. That did the trick for me.