Top "Surefire" questions

The Surefire Plugin is used during the test phase of the build lifecycle to execute the unit tests of an application.

Is there a way to "fail fast" for junit with the maven surefire plugin?

I'm currently working on a java project using maven. We use the maven surefire plugin to run our junit suite …

maven-2 junit surefire
JUnit and Surefire Parallel Tests - ForkCount & ThreadCount

I'm running Selenium tests on the Selenium Grid using the Surefire Plugin to execute tests. In terms of my test …

java selenium junit parallel-processing surefire
Run JUnit Tests contained in dependency jar using Maven Surefire

I have a jar in my maven repository that contains junit tests, which should be run in different projects, because …

maven jar junit surefire
How to use Maven Surefire plug-in with different groups for test and integration-test?

I want to use testng with the Surefire plug-in of Maven. The idea is to tag some tests with a …

maven-2 maven-plugin testng surefire
If I @Ignore a test class in JUnit4, does @BeforeClass still run?

Quick background: I've been hunting down a Maven / Surefire test-running problem for days now, and I've narrowed it down to …

unit-testing maven junit surefire
How to show log4j output in surefire test resports

When a test fails in maven the surefire test report xml files in target/surefire-reports/TEST-<test-name>.xml …

log4j maven surefire
Does Maven surefire plugin run tests using multiple threads?

I'm wondering if the Maven surefire plugin either runs tests multi-threaded by default (and if so can the number of …

unit-testing maven-2 junit surefire
maven surefire reporting plugin configuration

I have a multi-module maven project. The parent pom.xml is simply a way to reference common information for the 4 …

java maven-2 surefire
dummy:dummy:jar:1.0, surefire-junit4, maven and Nexus

So we recently implemented a Nexus server for our maven repository manager. We proxy about 30 outside repositories and funnel them …

maven nexus surefire
Intermittent NoClassDefFoundError when running a maven/surefire build in jenkins

We are building a large multi module Maven project on Jenkins, including running a large number of unit test. Once …

java maven junit jenkins surefire