Top "Supertest" questions

SuperTest is a module that provides high-level abstraction for testing HTTP in node.

Read response output buffer/stream with supertest/superagent on node.js server

I am trying to write a test that checks whether an API route outputs a ZIP file with the correct …

node.js zip mocha.js superagent supertest
Cant test DELETE method using mocha and supertest

I'm trying to build a RESTful API for a node app. I built the routes and everything is running fine. …

node.js rest mocha.js supertest
How to test an express rest api with header parameters using mocha and supertest?

I have to test my rest api. Some routes require a value in the http requests headers for the user …

node.js rest mocha.js supertest
Trying to post multipart/form-data with node.js supertest

I was trying to use Node.js supertest to test some REST API I had written. I need to send …

javascript node.js supertest superagent
Setting Basic Auth in Mocha and SuperTest

I'm trying to set us a test to verify the username and password of a path blocked by the basic …

javascript node.js mocha.js basic-authentication supertest
Run Jest test suites in groups

I am writing extensive tests for a new API via Jest and supertest. Prior to running the tests, I am …

javascript testing ecmascript-6 jestjs supertest
How to unit test file upload with Supertest -and- send a token?

How can I test a file upload with a token being sent? I'm getting back "0" instead of a confirmation of …

unit-testing mocha.js endpoint chai supertest
Jest not terminating after tests complete successfully

I'm working with jest & supertest to test my api endpoints and the tests are passing with no problems; however …

jestjs supertest
Mocha + supertest + assert: print response body on test failure

I'm using mocha, supertest, and assert to test my Express app. My Express app is run in development mode so …

express mocha.js assert supertest
How to make authenticated requests in mocha test using supertest and agent?

I'm having trouble getting my authenticated tests to run (server returns 401 Unauthenticated) after logging in. var should = require('should'), _ = require(…

node.js tdd mocha.js restful-authentication supertest