Top "Superagent" questions

Bearer Authentication in React

How can I use Bearer Authentication with superagent in React? I am not sure in syntax and can't find an …

javascript reactjs authentication ecmascript-6 superagent
"The keyword yield is reserved" eslint error

I'm attempting to use Webpack 1.13.12 and eslint 3.11.0 and eslint-plugin-promise 3.4.0. I'm trying to use the answer in this question to get …

javascript ecmascript-6 es6-promise eslint superagent
superagent / supertest with async / await

Goal is to set the variable auth correctly for further use, hence i want to refactor the function loginUser: function …

javascript node.js async-await es6-promise superagent
React Swiper with Dynamic Content

I'm making a carousel with images from Instagram using react-id-swiper. The Swiper component doesn't seem to be updating after the …

javascript reactjs instagram-api superagent
keep-alive connection with Superagent

I'm running a node.js server A which uses superagent to issue HTTP requests to another server B. I investigated …

node.js http keep-alive superagent
How to make superagent return a promise

I've been learning Node/Javascript, using promises from the start (I don't know how to not use promises and often …

javascript node.js promise superagent
How redirect to login page when got 401 error from ajax call in React-Router?

I am using React, React-Router and Superagent. I need authorization feature in my web application. Now, if the token is …

ajax reactjs react-router superagent
What is the difference between Axios and SuperAgent libraries?

I am learning JavaScript and I can see, in multiple big projects, SuperAgent is being used for HTTP Request. I …

javascript axios superagent
Test how API handles invalid JSON syntax request body using node.js

I would like to test how an REST API handles a POST request that has a body with invalid JSON …

javascript json node.js superagent frisby.js