Top "Subplot" questions

subplot is a Matlab / Matplotlib function which divides the current figure into a grid.

Matplotlib: get and set axes position

In matlab, it's straightforward to get and set the position of an existing axes on the figure: pos = get(gca(), …

python matplotlib axes subplot
Set size of subplot in matplotlib

I wonder how to set the size of the subplot when figure contains multiple subplots (5 × 2 in my case). No matter …

python matplotlib subplot
Embedding small plots inside subplots in matplotlib

If you want to insert a small plot inside a bigger one you can use Axes, like here. The problem …

matplotlib plot embedding axes subplot
Plotting a horizontal line on multiple subplots in python using pyplot

I am plotting three subplots on the same page. I want to draw a horiZontal line through all the subplots. …

python matplotlib scatter-plot subplot line-plot
Row and column headers in matplotlib's subplots

What's the best practise to add a row and a column header to a grid of subplots generated in a …

python matplotlib subplot
Removing frame while keeping axes in pyplot subplots

I am creating a figure with 3 subplots, and was wondering if there is any way of removing the frame around …

matplotlib frame axes subplot
Merge matplotlib subplots with shared x-axis

I have two graphs to where both have the same x-axis, but with different y-axis scalings. The plot with regular …

python matplotlib subplot
Changing fontsize in python subplots

I have made a phase plot of a bistable stable, with the nulclines on the main graph and have added …

python matplotlib font-size subplot
Matplotlib Subplots -- Get Rid of Tick Labels Altogether

Is there a way to get rid of tick labels altogether when creating an array of subplots in Matplotlib? I …

matplotlib axis-labels subplot
How do I plot 3 subplots in the same display window? python

# Import plotting routines from pylab import * # 1D ODE that has a pitchfork bifurcation # x_dot = r * x - x * x * …

python matplotlib plot subplot