Top "Structure" questions

Structure is a fundamental, tangible or intangible notion referring to the recognition, observation, nature, and permanence of patterns and relationships of entities.

Copying array to a structure

I have an array of 9 bytes and I want to copy these bytes to a structure : #include<stdio.h&…

c arrays memory structure copying
How to structure my HTML files properly?

For a basic static website, with a few pages and sub-pages, I'm kind of confused on best practices for directory …

html file structure directory
Incorrectly aligned or overlapped by a non-object field error

I'm trying to create the following structure: [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size=14)] public struct Message { [FieldOffset(0)] public ushort X; [FieldOffset(2)] [MarshalAs(…

c# compact-framework alignment structure explicit
HTML5 <section>'s inside <article> and header

I'm trying to make a semantic HTML5 code and not sure if it will be right. Visualy I have an …

html structure semantics article
Marshall array of structures

I've spent a lot of time to look for the solution but still don't find it out. I have 2 classes: […

c# .net structure marshalling
Sort list of objects in Velocity template - Liferay

I've created a structure in Liferay as below <root> <dynamic-element name='header' type='text' index-type='' repeatable=…

templates sorting structure liferay liferay-velocity
Are there any size limitations for C structures?

Are there any size limitations for C structures?

c structure
Files structure in MVVM (Android)

using MVVM or MVP should i name packages like model, viewmodel, view and put proper classes and interfaces there or …

android mvvm structure mvp
Error in getting input in structure using gets()

I am making a program to take input in teacher structure but there is unknown run time error , here is …

c arrays structure gets
Python: access structure field through its name in a string

In Scapy, I want to compare a number of header fields between any two packets a and b. This list …

python ip structure field scapy