Top "Strtotime" questions

PHP function for parsing about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp

PHP date() and strtotime() return wrong months on 31st

I'm using date()and strtotime() functions to display the next 3 months in a dropdown list. PHP Code: echo date("m/…

php date strtotime
PHP's strtotime() in Java

strtotime() in PHP can do the following transformations: Inputs: strtotime(’2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00′); strtotime(’Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200′); strtotime(’Monday, January 1st’); …

java php strtotime
Getting first weekday in a month with strtotime

I'm trying to figure out the first wednesday of a given month using strtotime, but the "first wednesday" argument fails …

php datetime strtotime
How to find the first day of the week a given date belongs to?

Possible Duplicate: Get first day of week in PHP? Given a timestamp I need to find the first day the …

php date strtotime
PHP strtotime() different results of monday this week

I have a problem getting the date of monday in the current week. echo date('Y-m-d',strtotime('monday this week')); …

php strtotime
PHP strtotime +1 month behaviour

I know about the unwanted behaviour of PHP's function strtotime For example, when adding a month (+1 month) to dates like: 31.01.2011 …

php strtotime
Why does strtotime give different result in different timezone?

I am not sure why strtotime() in PHP returns different result in different timezone even though same date is given …

php strtotime unix-timestamp date-conversion
Php: Add variable amount days to Y-m-d date format

i'm trying to add days to a date with the 'Y-m-d' format: $oldDate = '2013-05-15'; $newDate = date('Y-m-d', …

php date strtotime addition
php - mktime or strtotime?

I'm trying to convert 2010-02 to February, 2010. But, I keep getting December, 1969 I've tried using mktime, strtotime, and some combination …

php strtotime mktime
How to I accurately get current UTC time via strtotime?

In PHP, how do I get the current time, in UTC, without hard coding knowledge of where my hosting provider …

php utc strtotime